
Most people join us as a referral through social care or support workers, or via education,  college or school or Personalised Learning Pathways (PLP).

We also welcome people who are referred by a family member. Whatever the referral route, our qualified social workers, or a member of the team, will meet with you to discuss individual needs to ensure the timetable options are appropriate.  We then offer a taster day and if this is successful for you, we will offer guidance to help you secure funding and then offer a 6-week placement, which usually becomes a permanent place in our service. This is so that we can ensure we are the right fit for the Member and we have the staffing and support at the right level. 

We support people who have mild and moderate learning disabilities who may also have a physical disability or health need. Unfortunately, given the nature of our premises, we are not always able to offer support to people who have profound and very complex needs and who require significant personal care (e.g. need hoisting). Please do talk to us if you are unsure. 

We can welcome Members who come to us with 1:1 PA support.  We offer a day from 9.30 am -3.30pm, and on occasion may be able to offer a half-day session. 

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