Our Strategy

Our Strategy outlines our Strategic aims 2024-2027 and will focus the way we work in the coming years. Our Strategy sets out our key priorities and will build on the existing strengths and successes of our Charity.

1. Invest

We will:

  • Invest in our site to ensure it is always fit for purpose
  • Invest in our people so that they can reach their potential
  • Invest in our infrastructure to provide resilience
  • Maximise commercial revenue
  • Focus on cost – effectiveness

2. Engage

We will:

  • Engage with the community, ensuring together we can overcome barriers to disability
  • Engage with the community to build our profile
  • Engage with the community to involve them in our work
  • Engage with the community to create a sense of purpose and self worth

3. Reach Out

We will:

  • Fully understand the demand for our work, striving to reach every individual who needs our help
  • Work in partnership for the benefit of our Members
  • Promote our services to Members, Customers, Donors, Partners and Commissioners

4. Quality

We will:

  • Always put Members at the heart of everything we do, delivering care and support when they need it
  • Ensure good governance and compliance, ensuring quality and financial resilience

5. Environment

We will:

  • Reduce, as much as possible, any negative impact we may have on the environment
  • Further develop the positive environmental impacts we are currently successfully delivering

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